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Eryna Safira  

Saturday, January 31, 2009

FINALLY!! My baby girl is out :) And of cos she had to make an entrance. This is roughly how it all happened...

17th Dec - roughly abt 10.00am
I got up and got ready to go for my final checkup. Due date was yesterday, but we purposely made an appointment a day later, just in case, u know, to make sure i feel some kind of heavy contraction to indicate the baby is ready. Still nothing. Sooo...we made our way to the doc. I brought my air zam zam just in case hehe.

Got to the hospital, waited for my turn and got sent to the 3rd floor for CTG test. This test is to monitor the fetal heart rate to see if everything is ok. And so i was strapped on to the machine for abt 15-20 mins and was feeling nauseated the entire time. Probably from lying down too long. After the longest time the doc came to check me out n the result from the CTG. I kinda felt that something was gonna go wrong somehow but waited anyway for her response. Of cos, as expected she said that my graph was "not right" or "tak cantik". She then did a physical check on me and i wasnt dilated nor was my cervix open. So she said to monitor for another 15 mins, of which i was on the verge of puking until the nurse came back to check on me. According to the nurse if my reading was still "not right" i might be scheduled for a c-section the same day. Tho i was really desperate to have my baby out of me, the thot of surgery was kinda daunting at that moment. Crossing my fingers, i brought my graph down and wait for my turn to see the doc n get a scan.

And so..in the scan we cud see that the baby was still high up but i was losing water as well. She then announced that i was to go for a c-section immediately to get the baby out, i was scheduled that afternoon. As i waited for my op, i started calling my family to tell them the news. I was then immediately sent to my room to be prepared for my c-section.

I felt that it all went quite fast, as i got the epidural injected in my spine i started to feel the chills of having my tummy cut out while i was awake. Tho i cudn't feel anything below my waist after that i still felt like i was in the SAW movie. When my doc came in, i knew there was no turning back, tho i knew i had no choice anyway hehe. After minutes of tugging feeling the doc called my hubby to come in to witness the delivery of our daughter. He came in, held my hand n suddenly it was TIME! The anesthetist started pushing my stomach n told me to relax cos he's gonna push the baby out. After a few hard pushes on my tummy, i suddenly felt light as a feather n i cud finally breathe! And my hubby told me that she's out! My doc told us that our baby had her cord around her neck so tight and it was a lucky thing that i was scheduled for an emergency c-section that day.

I din get to see my baby till after she had her checkup n while the doc was sewing me up they brought her in. I had mixed feelings then, happy, confused, tired, everything at once. I was also wondering why she looked the way she looked hehe...small, red, n confused n not as i expected. It took awhile till the doc was done with me n i was then sent back to my room. That was like an hour or 2 later.

After all the phone calls and announcements, they brought in the baby n i finally got a good look at her. Okay, now she looks cute, i thot hehe n that was how Eryna was brought into this world n i was as happy as a bird! FINALLY!

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