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The Do's and Don'ts during Pregnancy??  

Monday, September 8, 2008

I'm now at the end of my 25th week of pregnancy (yay!!) and dead bored staying at home, apparently taking a rest from the stress and miserable life of the evil world out there...or so i thought, or planned. The past few months turned out to be quite stressful to me, due to the "Do's and Don'ts" that i simply must adhere to (or else), courtesy of my mum and my relatives. The miserable part of it all is that the "pantang larang", according to them, if not followed will have a horrifying effect on my baby. And it's really sad when it's your own family members whom u turn to for comfort, giving you 90% nightmare stories and saying bad things about your baby (that is still inside you for God's sake) leaving u helpless and spending sleepless nights praying that she will turn out to be as beautiful as u have always dreamed of - and this is my first one after the ectopic. Tho i dearly love them....Thanks a lot for the extra depression!!!

Some of the things that i "musn't do" that i find quite disturbing:
1) I musn't look at weird things or animals
2) I musn't watch horror movies - which sucks the most cos i'm a fan of horror movies and please, i am aware that it's all just a movie...hallo....?

And so, in search of my own comfort, apart from soothing words from my hubby who feels it's all absolute rubbish (thank u sweetie :D), i found a few articles on the web that proves i am not alone in thinking that during this wonderful period of being pregnant, i should concentrate more on healthy eating and thanking Allah for his wonderful gift to us, which at one point i thought was never gonna happen, instead of being paranoid all the time. Alhamdulillah :)

Some of the articles that i found quite interesting (in Malay) about the Malay's "pantang larang" or Do's and Don'ts / taboos during pregnancy:

1) http://lelabu.com/blog/2006/11/03/pantang-larang-semasa-mengandung/
I thought this link was quite informative on the "pantang larang" with some interesting comments.

2) http://www.bincang.net/forum/showthread.php?p=1683122
This one has a more extensive comment on the article above by lelabu with some educational point of view based on the Quran.

3) http://pislam.uum.edu.my/portal/?act=quest&do=show&topic=507
A very assuring answer by an ustaz on a question posted by a distressed husband on the taboos practiced by his wife during her pregnancy.

What i found most helpful:

1) http://lelabu.com/blog/2006/11/08/amalan-amalan-semasa-mengandung/
This article is a very soothing one on a religious approach and it tells you what are the surahs from the Al Quran that you should read while being pregnant.

And so....i find it very disturbing that during pregnancy that there are apparently so many things that you're not supposed to do when it should be a time of joy. Although some of it should be taken into consideration as they do have some health benefits to a pregnant woman, i believe some are just ridiculous and only cause more emotional damage. As what my dear husband says, i shud not let it get inside my head, as it is causing me more stress than anything, instead concentrate on keeping healthy and getting ready for the big day and have faith that everything is gonna be ok. And on my next visit to the doc, i am so bringing up this subject and absolutely anxious to hear her medical point of view on this.

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8 comments: to “ The Do's and Don'ts during Pregnancy??

  • Anonymous
    September 10, 2008 at 2:44 PM  

    Hi Diamond ,

    YES i strongly feel that you should try the pantang larang cos I did too with my second baby and it helps me alot .

    Cubalah yang mana boleh senang bersalin i.e Minum air kelapa muda (almost due ) and potong jangan songsang

    Good luck darling

  • *Bling*A*Ling*
    September 10, 2008 at 8:10 PM  

    Thanks for the tip :D I am all for tips / pantang larang yang memanfaatkan, dun get me wrong. Cuma setengah2 tu mcm pelik sikit la so i ragu-ragu dari segi keagamaan, kalau dah semua benda tak boleh tengok, kurung diri dalam bilik je la kan hehe.

    But thanks for your tip, will definitely give it a go :)

  • Anonymous
    September 11, 2008 at 8:47 AM  

    Hi Diamond,

    Probably I need to explained more :)

    Air Kelapa Muda ( biler dah dekat nak bersalin ) nanti anak you bersih. Be honest I've seen some babies ada macam kotor kat rambut until they are about 2 months something like dandruff. I don't really like that probably you can ask your mom about that too.

    Potong jangan songsang cos I don't want to bersalin ceasor so I ikut jer cakap orang tua tua ....heeheheh buat jer apa yang you selesa cos that is your baby and darling enjoy your pregnancy life ... you will look so cantik :)

    Take care.

  • *Bling*A*Ling*
    September 11, 2008 at 6:08 PM  

    Thanks very much for the tip and the advise :D

    Tapi kalau i beli kelapa muda tu kat luar dia potong siap2 ok ke?

  • Anonymous
    September 12, 2008 at 10:16 AM  

    Hi Diamond ,

    I think banyak tempat ada kelapa muda especially pasar malam ... kalau boleh minum yang fresh punya without ais ...

  • *Bling*A*Ling*
    September 12, 2008 at 8:09 PM  

    TQ! I mesti akan cuba! :D

  • Anonymous
    October 28, 2008 at 2:24 PM  

    oh u know what...i plan to write entry similar to yours about do and dons during pregnancy...haha..plan like awal giler la kan nk tulis..baby-nye still in the making :P

    neway, stay healthy and pretty :)

    oh btw, since you mention on my blog that you have been married for 5 years and this is ur first born, how do you cope with question like..."bila nk berisi?" selama 5 thn tu eh? sgt curious...sbb i yg baru 3 thn (and for the past 3 years we didnt try to get baby at all) pon org dah dok tanya2 sampai nk tercabut telinga i ni ha..hehe

    p/s: boleh exchange link?

  • *Bling*A*Ling*
    October 29, 2008 at 12:02 AM  

    Eh mcm confuse nak jawab kat mana hehe hentam je la semua...Takpe takpe anyways mana tau kut ade org nak baca, yeah buat pekak je la...cos in my opinion kalau tuhan belum nak kurniakan, makan segala atuk akar n buat segala macam operation habis beribu ringgit pon takde maknanya hehe bukan kita yang tentukan kan... For me i memang bersukur sgt2 cos i seriously gave up after my ectopic so Alhamdulillah tanpa disangka-sangka gitu!


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