33 Weeks and Counting...
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Ah finally i'm in the Third Trimester and the fear for labor is starting to creep in slowly. I am so sure there's gonna be a whole lotta pain to bear with, epidural or not....but if i've survived this far then insyaallah i'll do ok hehehe. I'm actually kinda excited at the same time, sometimes wishing that THE day is tomorrow so that i dun have to be pregnant anymore, and curious to meet my baby who has been kicking my gut every single nite that it makes it hard for me to have a good nite's sleep (already!). Not like i'm gonna have much sleep the next coming months but anyways....Oh did i mention it's a girl?? :D
My nesting instinct is starting to kick in full force too...and staying with dear mom is not easy, especially when i also have to share the house with my 2 nephews and adorable-but-extremely-bossy niece - n they all seem to be growing so fast nowadays. The first floor is off-limits, cos that's THEIR territory...so that leaves me the second living room upstairs, which i can utilize during my confinement period in peace with one condition: get rid of the freaking mess. And it IS a freaking mess. In my condition, at 8 months, i might as well move out to a whole new place or i mite just give birth there n then while cleaning the whole place. Unfortunately, we can't afford to move out just yet, with only my dear husband getting the dough, n that's nothing compared to what we have to go thru everyday of our lives. But let's not get into that cos it can be extremely depressing. Anyways the point is...no suitable place for me n the baby n i'm panicking like mad. But then again, it could just be me n my raging hormones. Heh.
On the brighter side, I am lucky that my sister and a friend of mine has also donated their baby stuff, hooray for (literally) poor me. Thanks Kak Mons n Ivy babes! But seriously the list of things to do or to prepare for just keep coming in. Next thing im looking out for now is a tukang urut for at least 3 days after i give birth, and damn i din know all this stuff is so expensive too. And according to my sister n my mom, i dun really need to get all those set bersalin etc cos all i need to do is follow the pantang regime n make sure i dun cheat with the bengkung hehe n i'm good to go n will be back in shape in no time. Soo...we'll see how it goes..Btw all those packages are not cheap either, going at around RM200 and up. Yowzer!
Tick tock tick tock...33 weeks pregnant and 49 days to go! Yahoo!! *GULP*
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